Interested in the choir?
See our online sign up form here:
What is the EastShore Chorale?
The ECP Community Choir was a conceptual project by Eastman Community Projects (ECP), and now has formed into a official choir named The EastShore Chorale. Our current focus is the community of Swissvale, Pittsburgh. We think that one of the great ways for a community to engage with each other is through music, and gathering to sing together. So we thought we would put together a community choir, hire a professional choir director, find a venue, and get started to bring music, sung by a choir, to the Swissvale, Pittsburgh area. ECP’s effort for the community choir started as a conceptual project by artist John Eastman in November of 2017. In January of 2018, Ryan Keeling, a top choir director in the area, came on board as a consulting advisor. The development of the choir shifted into full gear in February of 2018 with Ben Filippone, a tremendous director joining us as choir director. We move forward with great excitement from here as we have found a venue in that of Swissvale Presbyterian Church, accumulating resources and funds, and of course attracting members of the community to participate. As of July 1, 2018, there are 28 members of the choir…a good start.
How do I sign up for the choir?
Lucky You…..we created an online form for just that purpose. It also asks a few questions that help us gauge where each person is in terms of singing and choir experience. You can find it here.
Do I have to live in Swissvale to be part of the Community Choir?
Well……that would be nice, but….we will be happy to welcome participants from surrounding communities…so sign up!
Where does the Community Choir rehearse?
The Community Choir will meet and rehearse in a local church in Swissvale….Swissvale Presbyterian Church .
Will the Community Choir sing in Public?
Yes, our plans are to work up to a performance every three months.
What type of music will The Community Choir sing?
This depends somewhat on the level of singers we get, but ideally will include a wide range of music from several centuries of classical choral repertory to arrangements of world music, jazz, spirituals, gospel, and show tunes.
Will there be a name for The Community Choir, other than The Community Choir?
As of June 15th, 2018, The choir’s name is officially The EastShore Chorale.
How often are rehearsals?
Rehearsals will be weekly except when holidays occur. This is necessary to maintain a consistent progress and forward production of the choir.
How much time should I plan to spend at Weekly Rehearsals?
Rehearsals are 2 hours in length.
Can I donate or sponsor The Community Choir?
Yes, we would love to have your help. Please see our DONATE button here.
If I sign up, am I automatically in The Community Choir or is there a qualifying process?
There will be a brief audition that will not require any preparation.
Is there a fee for joining The Community Choir?
There will be dues collected to cover basic costs such as music. The exact amount is yet to be determined but it will be consistent with other choirs in the area.
How many people will be in The Community Choir?
We are hoping for an absolute minimum of 20 singers. It all depends how much interest we get, which is looking very promising so far!
Can I invite guests (non participatory) to The Community Choir rehearsals?
I can sing, but can’t read music. Can I still join The Community Choir?
While people who can sight-sing are especially sought, it is not a strict requirement. What is most important is a good ear sufficient to sing accurately and learn the music. Music reading skills will be gained over time with experience in the choir, along with vocal technique, aural skills, and general musicianship.
Will there be musicians performing with the Community Choir?
A piano accompanist will be present at all rehearsals and performances, and periodically we may invite some classical musicians to a performance event, after the choir is performing well enough.
How is The Community Choir going to help the Swissvale Community?
We think a great way to help a community is to help foster positive, fun, and educational events that bring people together, in this effort to rehearse singing, leading to performances. A community choir engages people in the beautiful way, helps them progress as individuals as well as a group, develops and strengthens their singing and musical abilities, and projects positive energy to the community. Plus…..Swissvale will have a community choir! It will be the envy of other communities! Just kidding. But it will be a proud moment for Swissvale we hope.
Can I volunteer to help at The Community Choir performances?
Yes, indeed. There are always a million things to do. Some are help spreading the word, greeting people, helping people to their seats, handing out program information, and just plain being there to support the effort and encourage fun. Contact John Eastman at for more information.
I don’t sing, but I want to be involved in The Community Choir. How can I help?
There will be many ways to be involved, including those mentioned above, and also such things as serving on the board, recruiting, fundraising, and being a groupie!
How is The Community Choir Funded?
ECP Community Choir is funded by an initial contribution from artist John Eastman, and several other small contributions. In essence, our objective is to be funded by a combination of individuals and public or other non-profit funding grants.
Is The Community Choir a non-profit?
The Community Choir is a project of Eastman Community Projects, organized as a 501c3 nonprofit organization under the Fiscal Sponsorship of Pittsburgh Contingency Inc. The Pittsburgh Contingency (TPC) is an accredited 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization providing Fiscal Sponsorship Services to individuals and organizations that offer programs or initiatives serving individuals in Allegheny County and Western Pennsylvania.